Since the Chromecast dongles still don’t support the 802.1X security standards, an username/password combo for the “” network will not work. We will have to make an account for ''B. Amsterdam" (notice the space and the capital A). We’ll need the unique MAC address of the Chromecast and will bind it to a unique Pre-Shared Key – to the Chromecast it will look like the kind of shared passphrase you’d use on your home Wi-Fi network.
To do this follow these steps:
Download the google home app on you iOS or Android device in the app you will see your Chromecast. Use the app to configure the Chromecast.
The MAC address can be shown while configuring the Chromecast’s network settings on your mobile device. Click the three white dots in the top right corner when you see the following screen. Click "Show mac address" and write it down and get it to us
We will create a password that will only work with that Chromecast and sent the password to you.
On the app you need to choose a Wi-Fi network for the Chromecast, choose the ''B. Amsterdam" (space capital A) Wi-Fi network and enter the password we provided you. Now the app wants you to connect your phone to ''B. Amsterdam" (space capital A) aswel, Accept this but after the Chromecast setup connect your phone back to
Now the Chromecast should be in your own network and it should be reachable by your other devices.